Marc Shields

Campus Life Pastor

I am so blessed to be a part of Lifepoint Church. My family and I joined Lifepoint in October of 2006 and I became the Children’s Pastor right away. I have been serving in children’s ministry since 1997 and started leading as a Director in children’s ministry in 1999. In my free time I enjoy playing sports (basketball and baseball), being a Dad and husband, watching movies (the Bourne trilogy, Back to the Future, Remember the Titans), and going on dates with my wife (being anywhere with her just makes me happy). I love being a part of pointing kids to Christ and can’t imagine anything more fun than working with parents, leaders, and kids.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Colleen since 1997, and God has blessed us with 3 amazing children. Caitlyn is the oldest and our only daughter. She loves Ultimate Frisbee and is in the process of picking a college. It has been awesome to watch her grow in her relationship with Jesus. I can’t believe she’ll be moving out soon. Zachary is the middle child and he loves sports and being outdoors. He is a hard worker, really compassionate, and he’s always willing to lend a hand. Tyler is the baby of the family and he loves video games, baseball, basketball, and school. He is the life of the party and full of joy, he has his Mom wrapped around his finger, and he always makes us laugh.

My family has deep roots here in Columbus. Many members of our extended family also attend Lifepoint. My parents, brother, sister, and both of their spouses are members here. Because of the Body of Christ here at Lifepoint my family has grown closer to Jesus and I can’t thank God enough for the work He is doing. From the ministry opportunities, life groups, mission trips, community service projects and especially the people here, you can’t help but be impacted for God’s Kingdom at Lifepoint.

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The Born trilogy, Back to the future, Remember the Titans

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