The Wide Open World Missions Fund was born out of a trip to South Africa. It was there that the words “the world is wide open to the Gospel” were spoken by a church planter. Since that time these words continue to inspire the movement of Lifepoint Church to glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches locally and globally.
We want to send every member—to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Everyone at Lifepoint can be a part of making disciples of all nations, whether through praying, giving, or going. How is God sending you?
PRAY. We prayerfully depend on God.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2)
Prayer is foundational for the spread of the gospel and for the support of those that are being sent and have already obeyed. Through prayer the church participates in God’s work to advance the gospel to the ends of the earth.
"The history of missions is the history of answered prayer… it is the key to the whole missionary problem. All human means are secondary." – Samuel Zwemer
EQUIP. We train and equip Lifepoint attenders for global disciple-making.
We strive “ equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12)
The church is responsible to train its people to be missionaries and every Christ-follower should be equipped to make disciples and multiply churches. At Lifepoint we want to provide the necessary knowledge, training and resources to help you do that. Being an active member of a local church is the best missionary training a Christian can receive.
SEND. We want Lifepoint attenders to make disciples and multiply churches locally and globally.
“How are they to preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:15)
The local church is the center for sending God’s people to serve. It is a priority of Lifepoint to send out our members from our church family. We connect Lifepoint members to missional opportunities around the Columbus area and across the world in regions where there is little to no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
At Lifepoint Church our people serve through our Lifeteams. Our Lifeteams exist to create a welcoming, vibrant, Christ encountering environment for our guest and regular attenders.
At Lifepoint, you’ll find that our local outreach is done almost entirely through our Lifegroups. We believe that across our 6 campuses and 100+ Lifegroups, we can simply do more and do it better when our groups take the initiative and serve where they naturally have influence and passion! Click below to see a list of our partners and / or find a list of serving opportunities through our Lifegroups. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to
For nearly 90 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As part of the nation’s largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 5 through young adulthood in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
Common Ground Free Store is a warm, welcoming place where basic material needs – clothing, shoes, household goods, linens, toys, personal care items, diapers, wipes, and prepared meals – are available to anyone for free. The Free Store is stocked with community donations and operated by a volunteer base of more than 1,800 compassionate individuals, working hard in mission and ministry. It is Common Ground's mission to share God’s loving gifts with all by providing basic needs in a caring, compassionate environment of unconditional acceptance and dignity, with a vision to freely serve all God’s children until no one is in need.
Daily Needs Assistance (DNA) is Christ-centered non-profit serving the widow, orphan, immigrant, and poor in greater Plain City. We offer critical resources and creative programming to reduce the impact of poverty and help families stabilize.
The Delaware Dream Center is a volunteer driven organization focused on sharing hope. We have programming throughout the entire year focused on serving families and seniors experiencing poverty in our city. We do all of this to share the LOVE and Truth of Jesus and see people find HOPE.
The mission of Grace Clinic is to love God and love people while using medicine as a vehicle to share the gift God gave us in Jesus. The medical staff will provide basic, sound, quality medical care to those who would otherwise not have access to it in a loving, compassionate, non-threatening way. The patient’s illness will be addressed by considering their physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and social needs.
International students often struggle with culture shock, stress, and loneliness when leaving their homes to study in the US. International Friendships, Inc. (IFI) is a national organization partnering with local churches, universities, and volunteers to provide life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students. We work strategically to make the world feel at home and extend God’s love globally — right where we are.
Leapin' Outreach Center is a non-profit volunteer organization in Marion Ohio that serves people in need in Marion providing free clothing & other items
Lifeline's Columbus Centre, along with Lifepoint families, fund and create meals for families struggling with malnutrition, food insecurity, and starvation due to economic circumstances, natural disasters, war, famine, and other tragedies. These meals go to help families in the Greater Columbus area, across the nation, and around the world.
People In Need, Inc. of Delaware County Ohio (PIN) is a private, not-for-profit 501(C)(3) social services agency dedicated to providing emergency assistance to Delaware County residents. Our mission is to provide relief to our neighbors in their time of need. We are the largest food pantry in the county, serving an average of 400 families each week.
Our mission is to provide life-affirming support and services that strengthen families in our community. The PRDC takes a holistic approach to caring for our clients and their families. We provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, prenatal education, STD testing and treatment, support groups, mental health counseling, and mentorship.
At Stowe Mission we are guided by the Gospel to serve our neighbors in need. We inspire hope and offer resources in three essential areas - hunger, healthcare and education. We feed the hungry with hot meals and a food pantry, provide free vision and dental care, and support families through after school programs and a pregnancy resource center
Our Mission: To glorify God by bringing hope to victims of sexual exploitation, empowering them to live free, and ultimately abolishing sex trafficking.
Voice of Hope Pregnancy and Family Center is a Pro-Life For-Life ministry serving families in Crawford, Hardin, Marion, and Wyandot Counties. We are a life-affirming organization that promotes the Sanctity of Human Life and educates and equips individuals to make positive life choices consistent with God's design for family and sexuality. We encourage women and men to choose life by partnering with them to offset the anxieties caused by unplanned and planned pregnancies.
WARM provides compassionate, short-term assistance, educational services, and spiritual support in order to encourage individuals to achieve a God-reliant, self-sufficient life while restoring dignity and hope.
We are a food pantry and a resource center that serves neighbors in eight zip codes in northern Franklin and southern Delaware counties. Our mission is to feed our community by connecting neighbors to healthy food, resources, and each other.
At Lifepoint, we believe in reaching our world with gospel. One of the primary ways we do this nationally is through our church planting efforts. Each campus of Lifepoint has, or will have, a church plant partnership with whom they relationally lead. We connect with church plants through the SEND NETWORK of churches as part of our multiplication philosophy.
Steel City Church is located inside the city limits of Pittsburgh, PA, just minutes from downtown and the university hub of Oakland. Since their beginnings in August 2020, they have focused on engaging college students, young professionals, and families in 5 of Pittsburgh’s 90 city neighborhoods. Their mission is to help people learn and live the ways of Jesus by equipping and empowering their members to live on mission amid the rhythms of their daily lives.
On the west side of Cincinnati, only 25 minutes from downtown, Harrison is a town of 13,500 people. Within a seven-mile radius, there are 37,000 people and only one SBC church. Harrison is projected to grow by 3,000 people over the next five years, making it the perfect place to plant a church.
Hope City Church is reaching people far from God in Bismarck, ND. They launched in January 2021 and have been passionately serving the city of Bismarck and making disciple-makers in real life. Their passion is to be a gospel-centered, disciple-making, city-loving, kingdom-advancing church.
The Chapel is a new church plant coming to Greater Lafayette, Indiana. We are a multi-generational church plant that is intentionally trying to reach college students. We will launch The Salt Company (our college ministry), on the campus of Purdue University.
Joshua Ashwill is the lead pastor at Salt and Light, located on Parsons Ave. in Columbus. Salt and Light is reaching the people of Columbus with the Good news of the gospel.
King’s City is a new church plant preparing to launch in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas is one the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in the country. It was the 2nd most popular moving destination in 2022. It is the 5th most unchurched city in America. The need is great for the Gospel in Las Vegas.
God is making a great name for himself among the nations, and he has called all Christians to be an active part
of his mission. At Lifepoint we provide many sending opportunities for you in short and long-term missions.
If you have questions or would like more information related to missions, please email us at or fill out this form.