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When you write a review, it tells others about what God is doing in our church. The more specific you are the better so feel free to add photos, mention specific ministries or people, and even the coffee. Want to make a big impact? Copy/paste your review onto as many platforms as possible! Here are two examples of good reviews people have left for our church:

Lifepoint is a great church. My family ranges from having a newborn baby to my oldest son who is 16 and all the ages in between and we all love it! From the contemporary worship to the relevant and easily applicable teachings on Sunday, to the upbeat and full of energy kids/youth ministry...there is something for everyone here! At Lifepoint they truly walk out what they preach and in doing so make everyone feel a part and relevant to what God's plan is for each one of us no matter what place in life we are coming from. It's refreshing to be at a place with REAL people who love the Lord.

I came to visit four years ago and never left. I love the music and the sermons. Children's ministry is awesome! God is doing great things through this church.

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