The Beginning


The genesis of Lifepoint occurred when God spoke to people about launching a church North of the I-270 Loop in Columbus. Jersey Baptist Church on the east side of the city and Metro Columbus Baptist Association decided to partner together to advance God’s Kingdom here. Together, they called Dean and Angie Fulks in September of 2003 and asked them to begin to pray.

A Bible Study

March, 2004

Over the next few months, God gathered a leadership team and in March of 2004, 14 people gathered at a home in Lewis Center for a Bible study that would eventually become Lifepoint Church.

A New Home

October, 2004

We met monthly for the next four months until we outgrew a house with 65 people in July. After a couple of months of preview worship gatherings, we began meeting weekly in October 2004 at the Westerville Community Center on Sunday nights because WCC was not open on Sunday mornings.

Church in Columbus Lewis Center Delaware Westerville Oh
Church in Columbus Lewis Center Delaware Westerville Oh

The Early Days


By the fall of 2005, we had about 110 people attending each week, we had just taken our first international missions trip to Honduras, and had four different Lifegroups meeting weekly.

We were focused in those early days on the kind of church we wanted to be – one that focused on our relationship with God without the extra rules and keeping our relationships with each other healthy.

We wanted a church where everyone sensed that they belong and a place where they believed they could become all that God intended.

Multiple Worship Gatherings


In the winter of 2005, we were approached by the Delaware Baptist Church about a potential merger. After a few months of meeting and praying together, their church body officially voted to merge into Lifepoint on the 10th of February 2006. This officially started our move into multiple worship gatherings. We met on our first Sunday morning there with 29 people.

Church in Delaware Ohio

It's Official!


We closed 2006 by officially constituting as a church and in 2007 began a second worship gathering on Sunday morning in that location.

A Second Location


In the fall of 2008, Centerpoint Church graciously invited us to use their facilities on Sunday evenings so we began meeting there in October. In these two facilities in three different worship gatherings, God helped us reach 500 people in weekly attendance by 2010.

Church in Columbus Lewis Center Delaware Westerville Oh
Church in Columbus Lewis Center Delaware Westerville Oh

New Facility


In the spring of 2011, we moved into our newly renovated facility at 7719 Graphics Way in Lewis Center. Since our move, God has continued to help us connect people to Him. We have seen over 1000 people Go Public with their baptisms.

Mount Vernon Campus


In the summer of 2012, we sensed God’s leadership about launching a new campus in Mount Vernon, OH with the support of the SEND North America team.
In February 2013, we were blessed to launch our first multi-site campus in Mount Vernon. This campus was led by our Teaching Pastor, Adam Pursel. In October of 2020, we celebrated Lifepoint Mount Vernon Church becoming at autonomous church.

Old Delaware Campus meeting place.

Delaware Campus


In March of 2016, we launched our third campus in Delaware, which is led by our Teaching Pastor, Kale Booher. We invited our eleven Delaware lifegroups to be the core team for this launch.

Westerville Campus


In January of 2018, we launched our fourth campus in Westerville, which is led by our Teaching Pastor, Ed Traverse. We invited our nine Westerville lifegroups to be the core team for this launch.

Church in Westerville Oh

Delaware New Facility


In 2018, we renovated the old Buehler’s grocery store, which meant we could reach more people so that we could both seat and send more people.

Westerville New Facility


In July of 2020 our Westerville campus moved into its first facility on E. Shrock Rd., which is strategic to reach and empower the growing diversity of Columbus.

Teaching pastor at our Westerville Campus.
Birds-eye view of our Lewis Center Campus building.

Lewis Center New Facility


In August of 2021, we moved into our first facility in 17 years that was built from the ground up. Our vision is not to become a megachurch but to be a multiplying church, where people are equipped to see God as the source of their lives and help others do the same.

Plain City Campus


In 2022, a group of believers from Plain City joined our Lifepoint family. With Cory Dicarro as our Teaching Pastor, we launched Lifepoint Plain City at 6240 Lucas Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 to reach his growing community.

Plain City worship service.
Marion Campus Sunday service.

Marion Campus


In 2022, Lifepoint Delaware sent a new Teaching Pastor, Paul Priddy, and his family to Marion with a team of 60 people. On Easter Sunday in April, Lifepoint Marion launched with a passion to reach this city with diverse needs.

Worthington Campus


In 2023, we launched a campus in Worthington with a team of volunteers from our Lewis Center and Westerville campuses. A new teaching pastor, Dan Osborn. Dan, his wife (Courtney), and their three kids (Evelyn, Malachi, and David) have joined our team to serve the city of Worthington.

Grand opening at our Worthington Campus. People experiencing a Sunday service.

20 Year Anniversary


In October 2024 Lifepoint celebrated 20 years of ministry. See some highlights of our 20 years here.


Today, over 5,500 people attend our weekly worship services on average at 6 campuses with over 8,500 people calling Lifepoint their church family.

We want Lifepoint to be an authentic place of worship in central Ohio, where people’s lives really do change and they attend because they want to, not because they feel guilty if they don’t. We would love for you to become part of our story.

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Lifepoint worship band on stage playing music during a Sunday experience.