Volunteer On A Lifeteam

At Lifepoint Church our people serve through our Lifeteams. Our Lifeteams exist to create a welcoming, vibrant, Christ encountering environment for our guests and regular attenders.

Kids ministry - Lifepoint Church, Greater Columbus OH

We’re so thankful for our Lifepoint Kids team members who invest in the lives of our children and families.

Whatever gifts you have, our goal is to help you find the right area where you will enjoy serving. Below are some possible opportunities in which you can serve. For more information on how to get involved, please contact your campus.



Baby – 2 Years

Our “Littles” volunteers care for our infants and younger toddlers. Volunteers who work with infants facilitate nurturing, feeding, and diapering. Volunteers who work with toddlers and older children will facilitate the playtime, snack, and diapering needs of those children.


3 – 5 Years

In “Juniors,” there are opportunities to present bible lessons and lead/facilitate in the classroom for preschool children.  With the use of a provided curriculum (accessible online), you might lead the teaching time, coordinate the rotation of children through activities, or give direction to room assistants.


Grades K – 5

In “Crew,” with the use of a provided curriculum you might lead the teaching time, coordinate the rotation of students through activities, lead a small group of children, or give direction to Lifepoint Kids Assistants as they help you shepherd the children in activities and conversations related to the week’s lesson.

Large Group Leaders, Worship Team, or Tech

Like to teach Bible lessons to children in a fun and engaging way? If you like acting or are able to communicate God’s truth to a large group of children and adults, you will be perfect to serve as a Large Group Leader. Our Worship team leads children in worshiping through music and hand motions. Our Tech team facilitates sound, lights, etc.

Imago Dei

The Imago Dei lifeteam are a group of individuals who serve through a variety of ministry areas (Lifepoint Kids, Students, Lifegroups) to help individuals with special needs and disabilities, and their families, connect within Lifepoint Church.  The Imago Dei Team members help each child, student or adult with special needs, participate in worship through a small group or lifegroup in order to give them a place where they feel known, seen, and loved and have a place to belong.  They make any necessary accommodations throughout the worship time to help each person learn more about Christ and interact in a positive way with his/her peers.

Get Started

Send an email to your campus' Lifepoint Kids volunteer coordinator to get started.

Connections Team

Our Connections team provides a friendly first impression and a memorable experience for guests and members.


Door Greeter

Greets those who attend the weekly worship gatherings at the entrances, hallways, and auditorium of the facility. Each team member is asked to serve at least two times a month. If you enjoy interacting with people and have good social skills then this is a team to consider.

Next Steps Host

Available after services to help people take a next step in their spiritual journey, which could include conversations about salvation and baptism, or praying with someone in need.

Guest Central Host

Serves at one of our Guest Central Areas (information centers) and helps people find the information they need relating to Lifepoint Church. If you enjoy helping and interacting with people, striking up a conversation, and have good social skills, then this is the position for you. Each team member is responsible for serving at least two times a month.

Special Event Host

Assist Church Staff/Leaders in greeting, organizing attendance rosters, and handing out class material for Discovering Life or Connecting Point Gatherings. This is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. If you enjoy meeting people, helping people, or organization and administration ,contact the campus above.

Café Team

Responsible for setting up, maintaining, and cleaning the coffee areas during our weekly services. These responsibilities include stocking supplies, brewing coffee/tea, a focus on cleanliness, and keeping an inventory of supplies that are needed to make the cafe function each week. If you enjoy food, ministering to people, and serving behind the scenes, then this is the position for you.

Auditorium Host

Greets those who attend the weekly gatherings as they arrive in the worship center. Each team member will have a section of seating that he or she is responsible for each week. This position requires a time commitment of at least two services a month. If you enjoy interacting with people and have good social skills,contact the campus above.

Get Started

Send an email to your campus' Connections ministry coordinator to get started.

Lifepoint Student Ministry desires to help students begin to own their faith in Jesus and join God in His activity.


Middle School Lifegroup Leader

Grades 6-8

As a Middle School Lifegroup Leader, you have the opportunity to walk alongside teenagers as they begin to pursue a relationship with Christ. Lifegroup leaders will connect relationally with students during our weekly Gatherings, lead a Lifegroup utilizing our Gospel Project curriculum, and participate in events alongside our students throughout the year.

High School Lifegroup Leader

Grades 9-12

As a High School Lifegroup Leader, you have the opportunity to walk alongside teenagers as they begin to pursue a relationship with Christ. Lifegroup leaders will connect relationally with students during our weekly gatherings, lead a Lifegroup utilizing our Bible Studies for Life curriculum, and participate in events alongside our students throughout the year.

Get Started

Send an email to your campus' student ministry coordinator to get started.

Worship Team

Worship band and people gathering on a Sunday service at our Plain City campus.

Our Worship & Production team leads authentic worship, models passionate spirituality, and supports transformational teaching through creative and artistic media.

While artistic and musical excellence is the goal, we recognize that worship is not just a style of music, nor is it relegated to Sundays. Worship is the offering of the totality of our life in adoration and service to God. We aspire to be a team that lives what we sing.


Worship Team

Responsible for leading worship in our weekly services and various other Lifepoint environments.  If you are gifted at playing an instrument, have a heart to help lead others in music, be sure to check the calendar for the next round of Worship Team auditions.

Production Team

Our Production team uses technology – lighting, video, and sound – to create an engaging, excellent, and distraction-free worship environment.

Get Started

Send an email to your campus' Worship ministry coordinator to get started.

Creative Arts

One of our videographers recording during a youth night worship event.

As a centralized team for Lifepoint we desire to be apart of sharing the gospel inside and outside of the church in various ways.


Photo Team

On the photo team, we capture moments that share the life of our church. Our team fuels the photos that you see inside and outside of our church from marketing, to social media and our print materials.

Social Media Team

On the Social Media Team, you will capture short videos with your own phone at all of Lifepoint's services and events for each campus and/or engage with each campus' social media accounts throughout the week. You will become a major part of our online growth.

Get Started

Send an email to the Creative Arts coordinator to get started.

Contact Group Leader

To: {{Leader}}

Subject: Interested in joining: {{Group}}

Thank you! Your message has been sent. The Lifegroup leader should reach out soon. If you don't hear back, please contact your campus' Lifegroup pastor.
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