Lifegroup Leadercare

Episode 5: Boundaries - Part 2

In today's episode we'll continue our conversation about boundaries, exploring what healthy boundaries look like and what unhealthy boundaries lack.

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September 26, 2022

Episode 8: Learning to Listen - The Word "But"

In this episode we consider a small word ("but") that communicates a lot if we pay attention to when and where we hear it.

September 19, 2022

Episode 7: Leadership Toolbox - PIESS Model

This week we'll add a tool to our Leader Toolbox to help us vet balance across five key areas of life, utilizing the PIESS Model.

September 12, 2022

Episode 6: Boundaries - Part 3

Today's episode concludes our series on boundaries by discussing the "how" to setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.

August 29, 2022

Episode 5: Boundaries - Part 2

In today's episode we'll continue our conversation about boundaries, exploring what healthy boundaries look like and what unhealthy boundaries lack.