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Can we be certain of anything in life? How do we learn to say thank you for the unknown?
Hospitality Rooted in Love - Know the "Why"
As leaders, it's critical to continually place ourselves in learning environments and examine learning resources. Explore 3 environments and resources available to our LIfegroup leaders.
Kevin Hover at Lifepoint Delaware talks about our core value, Spiritual Intimacy.
The Best Leaders are Followers, Anchored to Jesus Christ
Tips to Launch A Lifegroup Term Well
In this episode, we'll begin the discussion of why boundaries are so important in life and leadership.
We all have limited resources in the areas of time, attention, and energy. In today's episode, we'll look at how to manage (and even grow) our bandwidth in leadership.
In today's episode, we'll ask some questions that help us evaluate our sense of balance in life and leadership.
Have you ever taken the time to give your life “careful and critical examination”?
Click here to see the current Serve The City partners & opportunities.
Here are some important things to remember as you launch your Lifegroup at the beginning of the term. These tips will help you as you seek to lead your group to connect relationally and take the next step in their spiritual journey.